January Publications Update

The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics

JLME 52.4: Emerging Portable Technology for Neuroimagng Research in New Field Settings: Legal & Ethical Challenges

Last month saw the publication of the Fall 2024 issue of JLME, “Emerging Strategies to Stop Biological Time: The Ethical, Legal & Policy Challenges of Advanced Cryopreservation.” With articles digging deep into the ethical challenges of this fast-emerging area, this special issue is a must-read. Independent articles on opioid prescribing, clinical trials, dementia planning for transgendered people, and discrimination in clinical trials, as well as thought-provoking columns, round out this issue.

Now see a sneak preview of the cover of our Winter issue, “Emerging Portable Technology for Neuroscience Research in New Field Settings: Legal & Ethical Challenges,” guest edited by Francis X. Shen, Susan M. Wolf and Frances Lawrenz. In addition to the featured articles, the issue also contains exceptional independent articles on topics ranging from the posthumous use of sperm to value-based payments and more. The issue should be released by January 30; we will send an email as soon as it is available.

American Journal of Law and Medicine

The latest, extremely timely issue of AJLM offers penetrating insights on the looming implications of the Braidwood v. Becerra case, guest edited by Abbe R. Gluck. The articles in this issue offer intelligence that will be vital as political discussions begin in earnest about changing or removing coverage for preventive medicine.

Members of the American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics can read all AJLM issues, as well as JLME issues, on the Cambridge University Press website. If you are not a member, consider joining today.

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