2024 Health Law Scholars Workshop: Abstracts Due April 15

The Center for Health Law Studies at Saint Louis University and the American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics (ASLME) are pleased to announce the 2024 Health Law Scholars Workshop.

Previous Health Law Scholars Worship participants

The Health Law Scholars Workshop is a collegial forum in which faculty new to health law and bioethics scholarship present works in progress and receive in-depth advice from experienced scholars and teachers in the field. The workshop encourages health and bioethics scholarship, fosters the professional development of emerging scholars, and furthers the sense of community among health law academics. Past scholars have placed their papers for publication in preeminent law journals. 

2024 Timeline

Submission of Abstracts DueApril 15
Notification of ScholarsMay 24
Works-in-Progress DueAugust 26
Scholars WeekendSeptember 26-28

About the Workshop Weekend

Scholars workshop their works in progress before a group of experienced peer reviewers and commentators. Each author’s work in progress accepted for the Health Law Scholars Workshop will be read in advance by several faculty members in relevant fields. During the workshop weekend, each author presents their paper to the entire group. After extensive oral feedback from the readers, the floor is opened for a sustained exchange between the presenter and the full group.

The workshop draws health law and bioethics scholars from across the country, inviting senior faculty from a variety of law schools and disciplines to review the works in progress and participate in the weekend. The workshop also draws on the expertise of faculty from the Saint Louis University Center for Health Law Studies, School of Medicine, College for Public Health and Social Justice, Center for Health Care Ethics, and the departments of Sociology and Economics.

Call for Papers

A nominating committee selects the papers to be presented at the workshop. The committee looks for papers with an original thesis that will contribute to the scholarly literature. The workshop is designed primarily to provide feedback on articles intended for spring submission to law review journals. The workshop is not intended to review published work or papers already accepted for publication.  

The workshop is designed for those new to law journal scholarship as they navigate the challenges of the promotion and tenure process. While the workshop welcomes abstracts from fellows, visiting professors and post-docs, the nominating committee gives priority to authors in tenure-track and long-term contract positions at the pre-tenure and pre-full professor levels. An important goal of this workshop is to connect those new to academia with mid-level and senior scholars who can provide valuable mentoring. We also seek to promote an inclusive and equitable environment in the workshop and within the academy.  

Those interested in presenting a health law or bioethics work-in-progress at the Health Law Scholars Workshop should submit a 500-word abstract and a CV to Abigail Allred, abigail.allred@slu.edu, at Saint Louis University School of Law by April 15, 2024. Because a blind selection process is used, please do not include the author’s name, institutional affiliation or other identifying information in the abstract.  

Click here for a few suggestions on drafting a competitive abstract.

The CV is used to share anonymized information about the author’s degrees, academic appointments and prior publications with the selection committee. We seek to welcome a diverse group of junior scholars into the health law community and encourage you to apply. If you have a diversity statement and would like to include it with your CV, please do.   

Please send questions about the submission process to Professor Sidney D. Watson at sidney.watson@slu.edu or 314-807-4792 (mobile).

Submit abstracts and CVs by e-mail to:  
Abigail Allred
Program Coordinator
Center for Health Law Studies

Deadline: Monday, April 15, 2024

If you do not receive an email confirmation within two business days, please let us know.

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