AJLM Submission Guidelines

Overview for Authors

The editors of the American Journal of Law & Medicine (AJLM) encourage the submission of manuscripts on a wide range of medico-legal topics. Acceptable subjects include health law and policy; legal, ethical, social and economic aspects of medical practice, education and research; health insurance; and other issues involving the relationship of the life sciences to the social sciences and humanities. AJLM is interdisciplinary. Submissions from specialists in all healthcare-related disciplines are welcomed.

The following guidelines outline the major steps to prepare papers for publication. It is the editors’ desire to make the preparation of manuscripts as simple as possible. If you have questions, please contact us via the following details:

The American Journal of Law and Medicine
Boston University School of Law
765 Commonwealth Ave., Suite 1704
Boston, Massachusetts 02215

Email: publications@aslme.org

Article Preparation and Manuscript Requirements

Click the links below to learn how to prepare your article for submission. Please read these instructions thoroughly, as proper preparation is essential for prompt processing of your paper.

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