AJLM Submission Guidelines
Overview for Authors
The editors of the American Journal of Law & Medicine (AJLM) encourage the submission of manuscripts on a wide range of medico-legal topics. Acceptable subjects include health law and policy; legal, ethical, social and economic aspects of medical practice, education and research; health insurance; and other issues involving the relationship of the life sciences to the social sciences and humanities. AJLM is interdisciplinary. Submissions from specialists in all healthcare-related disciplines are welcomed.
The following guidelines outline the major steps to prepare papers for publication. It is the editors’ desire to make the preparation of manuscripts as simple as possible. If you have questions, please contact us via the following details:
The American Journal of Law and Medicine
Boston University School of Law
765 Commonwealth Ave., Suite 1704
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
Email: publications@aslme.org
Article Preparation and Manuscript Requirements
Click the links below to learn how to prepare your article for submission. Please read these instructions thoroughly, as proper preparation is essential for prompt processing of your paper.
General submission format
Manuscripts must be submitted in MS Word format to the Editor-in-Chief at ajlm@bu.edu. Manuscripts should be a minimum of forty pages in length. Additionally, the manuscript must be submitted with:
1. An abstract
2. Author’s curriculum vitae
An abstract of no more than 200 words, succinctly summarizing the content of the manuscript, should accompany the manuscript on a separate page.
Authors must use footnotes. Footnotes must be numbered consecutively and double-spaced. All footnotes should conform to A Uniform System of Citation (19th ed.), available at http://www.legalbluebook.com. Those unfamiliar with this system should follow the citation form accepted in their discipline. When a paper is accepted, the editors will work with the author to convert the footnotes into the proper form.
All illustrations, tables, graphs, and charts must be numbered and given suitable legends. Authors must indicate in the manuscript the appropriate positions of such graphics. Authors will be expected to provide either suitable electronic graphics files or a camera-ready copy.
Selection and editing timetable
On receipt of a manuscript, the editors will send a letter of acknowledgment. Authors will be notified of manuscript decisions within one to three months of receipt, depending on the length of the manuscript. Accepted manuscripts are usually published within three months of acceptance.
Proof pages and author reprints
Authors will be given one set of proof pages prior to publication. Proof pages will incorporate textual revisions discussed between the editors and the author. Reprint order forms for perfect-bound reprints will accompany the proof pages. All orders must be pre-paid.
Publication timetable
AJLM is published quarterly: Spring; Summer & Fall (double issue); and Winter. The journal goes to press in February, June, and November, respectively.