Frequently Asked Questions
What is the cost of membership?
ASLME offers a variety of annual membership at different rates, including rates for students, retired people, non-doctoral members and doctoral members. We offer three-year membership options as well. For current rates, please see our Membership page.
What is included in an ASLME membership?
Membership includes:
• Subscription and online access to the American Journal of Law & Medicine
• Subscription and online access to the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
• Discounted conference registration fees
• Discounts on journal back issues and conference syllabi
• Full access to ASLME website and materials.
Please see our Membership page for all the details.
I have paid for an ASLME membership. When will it begin?
Your membership will begin on the first day of the next month after we receive your membership payment. You will receive a new member packet including the most recent journal issue soon after the first of the month.
How can I pay for membership, conference registrations, and other orders?
We accept checks (made out to ASLME), American Express, MasterCard, Visa, and Discover Card. If you use a credit card, you can pay online through our secure server. ASLME also now accepts payments via PayPal. To request a PayPal invoice, please email
Can I receive continuing legal education credits (CLE) for attending an ASLME-sponsored conference?
Yes, ASLME is an accredited sponsor of continuing legal education programs according to the regulations of several states. ASLME will apply for CLE credits based on the number of hours of each activity on your behalf upon request. For more detailed CLE information, check the conference information page.
Detailed CLE information will be provided to conference registrants. For more information please email Katie Johnson at
Does ASLME provide legal referrals or advice?
No. As an educational membership association, ASLME does not accredit lawyers, or provide legal referrals or advice. For this type of information, or to report a complaint about an attorney, we suggest you contact the American Bar Association (phone: 312-988-5000 or online: or your state bar association.
Does ASLME provide medical referrals or advice?
No. As an educational membership association, ASLME does not accredit physicians, or provide medical referrals or advice. For this type of information, or to report a complaint about a physician, we suggest you contact the American Medical Association (phone: 312-464-5000 or web: or your state medical association.
How do I submit an article to an ASLME publication?
Please review the submission guidelines.
What is ASLME’s mailing address and contact information?
765 Commonwealth Avenue, Suite 1704
Boston, MA 02215
Phone: 617-262-4990
Fax: 617-437-7596