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48th Annual Health Law Professors Conference

This in-person event in Boston from June 4-6, 2025 is a fantastic opportunity for health law teachers to come together and exchange ideas, insights and best practices. Visit the conference site for more information.

Our Publications

The Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics is read by more than 4,500 health care professionals, while The American Journal of Law and Medicine is the country’s leading health law journal.

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The Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics

The latest issue of JLME investigates the ethical challenges around advanced biopreservation. Our upcoming issue points out the potential ethical, legal and social implications of portable MRI machines, and provides actionable advice on how to manage these challenges.

JLME 52.3: Emerging Technologies to Stop Biological Time: The Ethical, Legal & Policy Challenges of Advanced Biopreservation
JLME 52.4: Emerging Portable Technology for Neuroimagng Research in New Field Settings: Legal & Ethical Challenges

Upcoming Events

Why Join ASLME?

ASLME membership can connect you to the leaders in health law.

Collaborate with multidisciplinary experts at our annual conference.

Keep up on the latest news and research by reading JLME and AJLM.

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