Call for Papers: Ninth Annual Health Law Works-in-Progress Retreat

Seton Hall Law School’s Center for Health & Pharmaceutical Law is pleased to announce the Ninth Annual Health Law Works-in-Progress Retreat. The purpose of this retreat is to give health law scholars an opportunity to share their work and exchange ideas in a friendly, informal setting. The retreat is open to anyone with an academic appointment in health law, including professors, fellows, and visitors, in any institution of higher education (not just law schools).

This year’s event will be held on January 31, 2025. It will be a live event at Seton Hall’s Newark, New Jersey campus, with an option for remote participation for those unable to attend in person.

During the retreat, we will engage in an in-depth discussion of 4-5 draft papers. For each paper, we will designate two commentators, each of whom will have about 10 minutes to present comments and suggestions. The author will then have 5 minutes to respond, after which we will open the floor to a general discussion among all retreat participants.

If you are interested in having your paper presented, we ask that you submit a preliminary draft or, if that is not possible, a detailed introduction or outline of at least 5 pages, no later than November 15, 2024. Submissions should be sent to Submissions will be anonymized before being distributed to the selection committee. Please do not send your submission directly to any Seton Hall Law School faculty members, as that would breach anonymity. In addition, please remove any statements in your draft that may identify you (such as references to “my previous work”).

We will select the papers to be presented by early December, and we will then identify two commentators for each of the papers. Final drafts will be due on January 3, 2025. Drafts will be made available to all participants on a password-protected website.

If you have any questions about the retreat, please contact Prof. Carl Coleman at

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