JLME Update: August 2024

We are pleased to announce that the summer 2024 issue of the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics has gone to press! This issue features the symposium “Defining Health Law for the Future: A Tribute to Professor Charity Scott.” Containing more than forty articles, the issue is highlighted by several touching remembrances of Professor Scott, a former president, board member, author, and editor of ASLME and JLME. The issue was sponsored by Georgia State University College of Law, where Scott was a Professor of Law, and is guest-edited by Stacie P. Kershner, Erin C. Fuse Brown, Leslie E. Wolf, Paul A. Lombardo, and Yaniv Heled. 

JLME: A Tribute to Charity Scott. Cover of the Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics Summer 2024 issue. Headline reads: Defining Health Law for the Future: A Tribute to Professor Charity Scott. Beneath the headline is a black and white photo of Charity Scott, a woman with chin-length blond hair wearing a scoop neck shirt and a necklace. Beneath the photo it says "Guest edited by Stacie P. Kershner, Erin C. Fuse Brown, Leslie E. Wolf, Paul A. Lombardo and Yaniv Heled.

As you will see in another article, our co-publisher Cambridge University Press is struggling with some technical difficulties. As soon as Cambridge is back to full production, we will be glad to present to you this exiting issue! Thank you for your patience and support. 

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