It has been an exciting and extraordinarily busy time for the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. In December we published two very special issues. The first was our regular issue, containing the supplement \”Seeking Reproductive Justice in the Next 50 Years,\” guest edited by Linda C. McClain, Nicole Huberfeld, and Aziza Ahmed. Watch the video intro below:

We also published a special supplement, \”Rethinking Pharmaceutical Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean,\” guest edited by Martín Rama and Verónica Vargas, which was generously funded by the World bank. Both issues, including many open-access articles, can be found on the Cambridge University Press website.

At the same time, we have also been working on two additional issues of JLME: a regular issue containing the symposium “Medical-Legal Partnerships: Equity, Evaluation, and Evolution,” Guest Edited by James Bhandary-Alexander, Yael Z. Cannon, Vicki W. Girard, Abbe R. Gluck, Jennifer L. Huer, Katherine K. Kraschel, and Medha D. Makhlouf, and a supplement, “Promoting Drug and Vaccine Innovation and Managing High Prices: Three Proposals for Policy Reform,” Guest Edited by Aaron S. Kesselheim, Ameet Sarpatwari, and Benjamin N. Rome. Both of these issues will be going to press soon, so keep a lookout next month for their appearance. And as always, thank you for your support of JLME.

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