Did you know that the Health Law Professors Conference is a great time to meet with the editorial staff of the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics to talk about your manuscripts and ideas you had for symposium issues?
JLME has several open slots for symposium issues in 2025. As the world of publishing becomes more and more uncertain, you know that symposium issues of JLME are a great way to reach the multidisciplinary audience we all seek. And the rest of the world knows it too: JLME’s impact factor rose in every single category yet again this year:
- 2-year Impact Factor increased from 1.604 to 2.1
- 5-year Impact Factor increased from 1.611 to 1.9
- Ranking in law increased 63/154 to 35/152
- Ranking in ethics rose from 29/56 to 19/57
How to Submit a Proposal
Submitting a symposium proposal has never been easier! Here’s how it’s done:
JLME publishes four regular issues and two supplemental issues every year, with each issue focusing on a specific topic. Symposiums can be generated from any number sources, such as papers first presented at a conference, the product of a funded grant, or simply a collection of manuscripts on a single topic. Recent topics have included the opioid crisis, gun control, healthcare reform, reproductive rights, and pharmaceutical pricing.
JLME guest editors are recognized experts in the topic of the symposium. Guest editors will send the invitations to potential authors, organize the call for papers, and work with our editorial staff to manage the peer review process. As JLME is a multidisciplinary publication that is read by specialists from many different backgrounds and fields, we recommend symposium papers be written with a broad audience in mind.
Proposals should:
- Be two pages
- Contain information on the proposed topic of the symposium
- Explain why the topic is important
- Explain why the submitter would be an appropriate guest editor
- List potential contributors and their topics.
Submission contact information
Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis and can be considered at any time. Email your submission to Aaron Kesselheim at akesselheim@bwh.harvard.edu or Ted Hutchinson at thutchinson@aslme.org.
A JLME Symposium can consist of up to 200 double-spaced Microsoft Word pages (or similar), including notes. The average issue consists of 10 diverse articles, but symposiums can also consist of as few as 4-6 articles. The standard cost of a symposium is $20,000, used to defray the cost of publishing. Proposals that do not include the full cost are always considered but may be given lower priority.
There is also a quick video on how to submit a symposium proposal to JLME:
Now is a great time to speak with someone at ASLME about submitting a paper or symposium proposal to JLME. Be sure to say hello to Ted, Katie, and the rest of the ASLME staff at the HLP meeting in Philadelphia and share your ideas!