JLME Submission Guidelines

Overview for Authors

The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics (JLME), a publication of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics, accepts unsolicited manuscripts. Turn-around time for peer review is typically four to six weeks. If the article is accepted we then endeavor to place the article in the next available open slot in an issue of JLME. Articles should be submitted at the online submission site.

JLME’s readership includes more than 4,500 attorneys, physicians, nurses, hospital and HMO administrators, ethicists, and other professionals concerned with issues related to health care. Published articles are both relevant and accessible to this broad spectrum of readers.

Below please find guidelines and downloadable documents that will help you prepare papers for publication and submit them to the system. It is the editors’ desire to make the preparation of manuscripts as simple as possible. If you have questions, please contact us at:

Managing Editor
The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics
765 Commonwealth Ave., Suite 1704
Boston, Massachusetts 02215

Email: publications@aslme.org

Article Preparation and Manuscript Requirements

Click the boxes below to learn how to prepare your article for submission. We also have documents to help you through, such as our style guide for formatting your paper, a guide to uploading unsolicited manuscripts to ScholarOne, and a required form for conflict of interest documentation. Please read these instructions thoroughly, as proper preparation is essential for prompt processing of your paper. You can also review detailed instructions at the Cambridge University Press site. Once you have prepared your manuscript, please submit it at the online submission site.

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