JLME Submission Guidelines
Overview for Authors
The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics (JLME), a publication of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics, accepts unsolicited manuscripts. Turn-around time for peer review is typically four to six weeks. If the article is accepted we then endeavor to place the article in the next available open slot in an issue of JLME. Articles should be submitted at the online submission site.
JLME’s readership includes more than 4,500 attorneys, physicians, nurses, hospital and HMO administrators, ethicists, and other professionals concerned with issues related to health care. Published articles are both relevant and accessible to this broad spectrum of readers.
Below please find guidelines and downloadable documents that will help you prepare papers for publication and submit them to the system. It is the editors’ desire to make the preparation of manuscripts as simple as possible. If you have questions, please contact us at:
Managing Editor
The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics
765 Commonwealth Ave., Suite 1704
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
Email: publications@aslme.org
Article Preparation and Manuscript Requirements
Click the boxes below to learn how to prepare your article for submission. We also have documents to help you through, such as our style guide for formatting your paper, a guide to uploading unsolicited manuscripts to ScholarOne, and a required form for conflict of interest documentation. Please read these instructions thoroughly, as proper preparation is essential for prompt processing of your paper. You can also review detailed instructions at the Cambridge University Press site. Once you have prepared your manuscript, please submit it at the online submission site.
Manuscript length
Manuscripts should be 10–40 pages, including endnotes, double spaced. Please note that the Journal uses endnotes, not footnotes. See style guide below for more information.
Abstract, author bio, keywords, and contact information
We have moved to an online submission process. Your abstract, author bio, keywords, and contact information will be submitted via a form on Scholar One. Do not incorporate the information into your article file.
Manuscript file format
Please submit an uncompressed Microsoft Word document. This should be an anonymized copy for peer review that contains your title, article and endnotes only; do not include your name, bio, contact info, keywords and abstract.
Style guide and end notes formatting
JLME has evolved its style guide over its half-century of publication. Click here to download our current complete style guide.
Because of its interdisciplinary appeal, the Journal has a unique style of citation. Book and article references generally follow the Chicago Manual of Style with a few modifications; statute, case, regulation, and like citations generally follow the Uniform System of Citation (the Bluebook). For more information on our endnotes format, please see our style guide. Properly formatted endnotes will accelerate certain phases of the review process.
Figures and diagrams
All figures, diagrams, and tables must be camera-ready. The editors will not create figures, diagrams, or tables. They must be created as separate electronic files. If you have questions about suitability, contact the editorial office. Figures, diagrams, and tables should be given individual title and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Indicate in the text or margin of your manuscript the most appropriate location for each figure.
Submitting your materials
Peer review (PDF)
Decisions to accept or reject papers are based on the recommendations received during blind peer review. The evaluation process generally takes four to six weeks. Out of respect for peer reviewers, the editors do not consider articles already under consideration by other journals.
Authors will be consulted during the editing stage about any editorial changes to their texts. Minor standardizations — headings, alignments, references, minor punctuation revisions, applications of our stylebook, and so forth — will not be discussed. Authors will also receive final-stage proofs for review, at which time only significant corrections will be permitted. Because of the constraints of publishing, authors will be given only a brief window of time (typically, two business days) to respond to editing changes and then, later on in the process, the final-stage proof.
Once a manuscript has been accepted, authors are expected to be aware of specific impediments to their ability to be reached by email and to respond to editing changes or the final-stage proof (e.g., vacation, conference traveling) within the timeframe mentioned above. They must alert the managing editor of these impediments when the final manuscript is submitted (if they are aware of the impediments at that time) or at least two weeks prior to the time when they will be unreachable or unable to give the article’s review their immediate attention. Otherwise, an author’s failure to respond to the editing changes and/or the final-stage proof during the time provided will be deemed an acknowledgment by the author that the changes and/or final proof is/are acceptable for publication.
Copyright, open access, and fees
Authors (or in some cases their employers) retain copyright of papers and grant ASLME and Cambridge University Press a licence to publish their work in JLME. The corresponding author will be asked to complete a Publishing Agreement form on behalf of all authors. No compensation is paid for articles published.
Authors can choose to publish their articles as Gold Open Access under a Creative Commons licence. This enables anyone to access and redistribute the content and, depending upon the licence, re-use the content in new or derivative works with attribution. The terms of re-use for Gold Open Access content are stated in the copyright line of the article.
Gold Open Access in the Journal is usually supported by an article processing charge (APC), typically paid by the author’s funding body or institution; please check the fees and pricing page on Cambridge University Press (CUP) for more details. There are also agreements in place with over 2,000 institutions to defray the cost of open access. Authors can use CUP’s eligibility checker to see if their institution has an active agreement.
Online and Indexing Options
The Journal is available online or through microform on Westlaw, Lexis-Nexis, MEDLINE, EBSCO, Information Access, and University Microfilms Inc. It is indexed in or abstracted on Index to Legal Periodicals, Legal Resource Index, Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences, Social Sciences Citation Index, Research Alert, Social Scisearch, Current Law Index, CINAHL: Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Hospital Literature Index, SSRN Health Law & Policy, and Sociological Abstracts.
Author copies
Authors will receive a link to an accessible version of their article online for their personal use and to distribute to their personal contacts, subject to the conditions of the Publishing Agreement form. Please contact publications@aslme.org for further information.
Reprints of articles can be ordered at press time.
Direct all inquiries to:
Nicole Gustas
Interim Managing Editor
The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics
765 Commonwealth Ave., Suite 1704
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
Email: publications@aslme.org