In the News: Trump Administration Freezes JLME Article

Due to the Trump Administration freeze on communications by the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), an article scheduled for the Spring issue of The Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics has been paused. It is unclear whether it will be allowed to move forward to publication. The article, by HHS Office of Research Integrity officials, discussed regulations designed to promote scientific integrity.

‘This is censorship’: Trump freeze on communications forces medical journal to pull HHS authors’ article: Paper on research integrity will have to be reviewed again by HHS,” STAT, January 26, 2025

“The authors (of the paper) told me they received a directive that anything going out has to undergo a review,” [ASLME Board President Holly Fernandez Lynch] said. “We weren’t told they were yanking the article or we’ll never be able to publish the article, but now, we can’t proceed. I understand it’s fairly typical for a new administration to be a little cautious about novel things going out so they can make sure it aligns with new priorities.

“But this is censorship. … And this (decision) appears particularly strange because the article was based on work that was already presented at a public forum in October. It also discusses regulations that were already promulgated and finalized back in September. It’s not like this is something that hasn’t seen the light of day before.”

Trump administration puts medical journal article edited by Penn on hold: The move to halt the article’s publication added to the uncertainty creating concern in the medical and academic community at Penn and beyond,” The Philadelphia Inquirer, January 28, 2025

“We hope that we will be able to include the article in a future issue of the journal, pending this new review,” Holly Fernandez Lynch, a coeditor of the symposium journal issue and an associate professor of law and medical ethics at Penn, said in an email Monday to The Inquirer. “However, it will almost certainly miss the time frame for inclusion with the other articles that are part of this special issue. And we have no guarantee it will ever be given the green light.”

“‘A terrible way to treat scientists’: Trump directives sow uncertainty, fear among area labs and hospitals,” The Boston Globe, January 28, 2025

[Dr. Aaron] Kesselheim, the Harvard researcher, is bearing witness to the immediate effects of the orders that freeze most communications from federal health agencies. He’s the editor of a peer-reviewed health journal, the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, and Friday he received an email from the Health and Human Services Department telling him he had to pull an article for his upcoming edition because it was written by an HHS employee and it had not been reviewed by the Trump administration.

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