Two respected quarterly journals, covering a broad range of issues affecting your profession and your world.
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
Submission Guidelines
The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, a publication of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics, accepts unsolicited manuscripts. Turnaround time for peer review is typically eight to ten weeks. If the article is accepted, we then endeavor to place the article in the next available open slot in an issue of JLME.
The Journal’s readership includes more than 4,500 attorneys, physicians, nurses, hospital and HMO administrators, ethicists, and other professionals concerned with issues related to health care. Published articles are both relevant and accessible to this broad spectrum of readers.
The following guidelines outline the major steps to prepare papers for publication. It is the editors’ desire to make the preparation of manuscripts as simple as possible. If you have questions, please contact us at:
The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics
765 Commonwealth Ave., Suite 1704
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
Tel: (617) 262-4990 ext. 13
Fax: (617) 437-7596
In preparing papers for JLME authors should observe the following:
- All manuscripts must be typed and double-spaced.
- Manuscripts must be prepared using Microsoft Word. The electronic copy must be an uncompressed Microsoft Word file. If using Word is impossible, please contact the editorial office before sending a file in another format.
- Manuscripts should be ten to forty double-spaced pages, including endnotes. JLME uses endnotes, not footnotes. See more information under Endnote Format below.
- Out of respect for peer reviewers, the editors do not consider articles already under consideration by other journals.
All manuscripts should be submitted through the journal’s online submission system here.
Authors should only submit their manuscript after following the detailed instructions on how to prepare their paper found here.
Manuscripts should be anonymized for submission and a separate cover note provided to include:
- A 25 word (or so) bio, including academic degrees.
- A 40 word (or so) abstract (this abstract will run with the final printed version).
- Five keywords that will aid searchers in finding your paper.
- Disclosure of funding.
- Acknowledgements.
Please direct all inquiries to:
The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics
765 Commonwealth Ave., Suite 1704
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
Tel: (617) 262-4990 ext. 13
Fax: (617) 437-7596
Authors should format their work to follow the JLME‘s in-house stylebook, which governs our use of acronyms, hyphenation, italicizing, capitalization, subheading, citation, and the like.
In General
JLME generally follows the Chicago Manual of Style in matters of style, usage, and grammar, and the Merriam-Webster Dictionary for spelling, with a few exceptions noted in the in-house stylebook. If you are in doubt and it is not found in the stylebook, please refer to the Chicago Manual of Style and the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. If you are still in doubt, please contact us at
Figures and Diagrams
All figures, diagrams, and tables must be camera-ready. The editors will not create figures, diagrams, or tables. They must be created as separate electronic files. If you have questions about suitability, contact the editorial office. Figures, diagrams, and tables should be given individual titles and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Indicate in the text or margin of your manuscript the most appropriate location for each figure.
Endnote Format
The Journal uses endnotes, not footnotes. It uses the Chicago Manual of Style’s footnotes format for its endnotes, because the footnotes format provides additional information that its endnotes format lacks. As recommended by the Chicago Manual of Style, the Bluebook style guide is used for all citation of legal material.
The text of each endnote must be formatted following the rules outlined in the JLME stylebook.
American Journal of Law & Medicine
Submission Guidelines
The editors of the AMERICAN JOURNAL OF LAW & MEDICINE (AJLM) encourage the submission of manuscripts on a wide range of medico-legal topics. Acceptable subjects include health law and policy; legal, ethical, social and economic aspects of medical practice, education and research; health insurance; and other issues involving the relationship of the life sciences to the social sciences and humanities. AJLM is interdisciplinary. Submissions from specialists in all healthcare-related disciplines are welcomed.
Editor-in-Chief, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF LAW & MEDICINE, 765 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston University School of Law, Suite 1704 Boston, Massachusetts 02215.
Manuscripts must be submitted in MS Word format to the Editor-in-Chief at Manuscripts should be a minimum of forty pages in length. Additionally, the manuscript must be submitted with:
- 1. An abstract
- 2. Author’s cirriculum vitae
An abstract (of no more than 200 words), succinctly summarizing the content of the manuscript, should accompany the manuscript on a separate page.
Authors must use footnotes. Footnotes must be numbered consecutively and double-spaced. All footnotes should conform to A Uniform System of Citation (19th ed.), available at Those unfamiliar with this system should follow the citation form accepted in their discipline. When a paper is accepted, the editors will work with the author to convert the footnotes into the proper form.
All illustrations, tables, graphs, and charts must be numbered and given suitable legends. Authors must indicate in the manuscript the appropriate positions of such graphics. Authors will be expected to provide either suitable electronic graphics files or a camera-ready copy.
On receipt of a manuscript, the editors will send a letter of acknowledgment. Authors will be notified of manuscript decisions within one to three months of receipt, depending on the length of the manuscript. Accepted manuscripts are usually published within three months of acceptance.
Authors will be given one set of proof pages prior to publication. Proof pages will incorporate textual revisions discussed between the editors and the author. Reprint order forms for perfect-bound reprints will accompany the proof pages. All orders must be pre-paid.
AJLM retains one copy of all manuscripts submitted for consideration. Copies are not returned unless the author so requests in writing and supplies AJLM with a return self-addressed envelope and adequate postage.
AJLM is published quarterly: Spring; Summer & Fall (double issue); and Winter. The journal goes to press in February, June, and November, respectively.